Do you eat the same way every day, dress the same way, and why should you always use the same cosmetics?
We are changeable, our tastes, our habits, our physique, everything changes. The skin, the largest organ of our body, is not going to stay the same, of course not.
In fact, it has a regeneration cycle that repeats itself every four weeks and as we get older it becomes longer, as does the hair or nail cycle, the woman's cycle and the lunar cycle.
We are constantly regenerating ourselves, our cells work for us based on how we breathe, how we eat, how we talk to each other and how we take care of ourselves.
Know your skin, create your product
We understand skin care as one more routine to incorporate in our daily life, where you not only apply a product on your skin, but you also become an active protagonist of your product, beyond going out to a shop and buying a cosmetic for its packaging or for choosing the latest brand you have been told about, even if you know how to read labels there is always some ingredient you don't know about.
Did you know that there are cosmetic ingredients that are a product in themselves, such as vegetable oils, a good combination of which work as a natural serum for your skin. So without needing a long list of ingredients, you already have your product. The secret is to choose well which oils to use and to know their origin.
At Notas de Mar we bring you the raw materials with which we create our blends so that you can decide the product you want for your skin.
We change the focus, so that it is the product that adapts to you and not the other way around, as has traditionally been the case.
We also go a step further, as you can alter your blend, changing ingredients, we advise you on your creation, or even propose new notes that resonate with you.