The essence of Notas de Mar

Stress and fatigue and life´s daily routine can often disconnect you from your essence. It is difficult to dedicate time to yourself, to be in your own aura in your natural surroundings.
Recover this sensation with Notas de Mar, a symphony of wellbeing in your daily life, your space, your feelings! All our products are 100% natural, of vegetable origin and animal- cruelty free.

Personalise your Notas de Mar

Stop and listen to yourself, listen to your body and prioritise yourself for a moment.  What makes you feel good? What experiences can help you connect to this feel-good sensation?  Let us at Notas de Mar recreate some of those essential moments for you with our personalised products just for you. 
At Notas de Mar, you are the star, we endeavour to reproduce the notes of your most valued moments, which revive both your skin and those good feelings.
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