Feel Notas de Mar

Connecting with our feelings enables us to relax the body and mind. At Notas de Mar, our products connect us to the breeze, the fragrance, the pleasure of the Mediterranean sea, so that you can relax and appreciate what is truly important – your wellbeing.
We use only a few selective ingredients, to offer exquisite quality. Being a 100% natural product without conservatives, we use only what is essentially needed. That´s why we focus on small-batch production, our products are concentrated, which guarantees maximum quality and duration.

By not using water, we do not need to include any conservatives in our products. Our ingredients come from the ground up and connect directly with your skin without going through any chemical processing.
All our oils are created by natural and organic resources, creating an active ecosystem which supports and improves our health and environment. Furthermore, our oils are handcrafted and cold pressed, to conserve all their benefits and natural properties.

First Notes

Finding your unique and authentic essence does not happen overnight, it needs time to evolve in your mind, to trust your feelings, until it resonates and illuminates from within. 
I grew up by the sea, it is where I like to be, where I feel connected to my origin. This is why my first notes originate from the sea.
In Germany, the country where I have spent many years, offered me long phases of inter- reflection. I sought solitude and peace, the opportunity to give me space to create Notas de Mar.

We are a brand focused on personalised well-being and natural self-care. We are an organic company that continues to evolve while utilising natural resources to create our products. Each product has different notes, thanks to our clients who actively participate in the creation of new and personalised products according to their likes and needs. 
What would you like us to personalise for you?

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